
City of Clio, Michigan 



The City of Clio has contracted with Vienna Township for Building Permits, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Permits. 

Most building permits will require a zoning permit application that must be filled out and approved by the City of Clio.  Zoning permit applications may be picked up at City Hall or by clicking on the link below.

A Zoning Permit application is required for the construction of a building; a building addition; an accessory structure; fence; driveway, curb cut or parking area; signs; pool; deck or porch.  The cost is $20 payable to the City of Clio.  This application must be approved at the City of Clio before Vienna Township will issue a building permit.

Vienna Township Hall
3400 W Vienna Rd
Clio, Michigan 48420
(810) 686-7676

City of Clio
505 W Vienna St
Clio, Michigan 48420
(810) 686-5850

For Rental Inspections, contact Vienna Township at (810) 686-7676 or visit their website at www.viennatwp.com


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