
City of Clio, Michigan 

Donald Dowell
Donald Dowell


DONALD DOWELL, City Treasurer

Summer 2023 taxes will be available July 1, 2023 and are due by September 30, 2023.  Post marks are not accepted.  After September 30th a 2% late fee will be added.  Delinquent Summer taxes can be paid at City Hall until Wednesday, February 28, 2024. 

Winter 2023 taxes will be available December 1, 2023  and are due by Wednesday, February 28, 2024. Post marks are not accepted.

2022 delinquent Summer and Winter taxes have been turned over to the County.  You can contact them at (810) 257-3054.  Payments cannot be made at the City of Clio.   

The City Treasurer is under the general supervision of the City Administrator.  He coordinates and performs the treasury functions of the City, collects taxes and other receivables.  Oversees the Utility billing and yearly rate studies for water and sewer billings.  He also administers cash management and investments, creating quarterly and annual reports to the City Commission.  He also helps in the coordination of the annual audit.

Education:  Mott Community College, 
                     Associates in Business  
                     Management, 1994

Associations:  Michigan Municipal Treasurers
                     Michigan Municipal League
                     Michigan Municipal Finance
                         Officers Association
                     Municipal Treasurers 
                         Association US&C


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