
City of Clio, Michigan 


Clio Veterans Memorial Park

Veterans Park
Veterans Park

On Veterans Day, November 11, 2002 the Veterans Memorial Park was officially dedicated.  Volunteers from all over the community rallied their efforts and talents with many contributions of love, labor and money to make this dream a reality.  The park, was built in three phases over three years.  

The park is located at the southeast corner of Vienna and Railway Streets. For more information please contact Gregg Bryan at 810/513-5639.

There is also a Fireman's & Police Memorial in the Veterans Park to honor all firefighters and police. 

Brick forms are available at City Hall.  Send form & check to:  Clio Veteran's Memorial Park, PO Box 93, Clio, Michigan 48420.


Veterans Park
Veterans Park
(POW) and Missing-in-Action (MIA) bricks will be ordered at no cost to surviving family members who submit information for inscribed bricks. 


The Clio Veterans Memorial Park honors the dedicated men and women who have served and who are serving our country.    

Clio Veterans Memorial Park Endowment Fund

If you would like to donate money to support and memorialize the dedication of those who have given and are giving their lives for our community and our country, please contact The Community Foundation of Greater Flint at (810) 767-0496.  Money is used to support a perpetual care fund for future maintenance and improvements at the Park.
*All contributions are tax deductible*

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